Sunday, 9 June 2013

June 9 "Welsh Cough Drops"

If I ever start a Heavy Metal Band I am going to call it "Welsh Cough Drops". These things are gnarly. But when in Rome, use their meds. I have been a bit under the weather lately...just a bit. Anyone who has been on Facebook likely saw the post on the Wales page (That was Becca, I'd never admit sickness outright). But any and all prayers will be appreciated. I don't know what is wrong with me. I've had some allergies since I got here, but this appears to be something else.

Today I did another Sabbath tour. Rhyd Church was great. We watched another video on Acts (ch13) and I was given the opportunity to give my testimony. I enjoyed doing it. And then we got to sing one of my favorites "Rock of Ages", by my request.

After church I headed to Tim and Sarah's for lunch and we waited for Becca, who couldn't make it to church due to a prayer meeting. But she made it eventually and we had a wonderful dinner. Their must have been about 12 different things on my plate and they were all awesome. Honey Roasted Parsnips...who knew? After lunch we took the little ones, William and Emma, to the park for a bit and I sat quietly on the springy chipmunk and stared out over the hills while Becca made best friends with some random little Welsh girl. She is so great with children. She's amazing.

After Tim and Sarah's we headed back to Rhyd to do some prayer walking where Becca and I were teamed up with Brian. There was more talking than praying, but I was fairly quiet. I began to realize that I was sick and I hate being sick. It makes me feel like I've lost in some way. Anyway, we got done walking around Rhyd, and then headed off to Caerphilly. At Gateway Church, I decided that I wanted to help out with the older children's lesson and so I went up and assisted the teachers there. It was a lesson about influences and this week we discussed advertising. Then after church we got KFC! Fried chicken and chips were a welcome supper tonight.

Then we headed back to Rhyd for a little R&R at Brian and Elizabeth's (lots of travel today- Rhyd to Ponty to Rhyd to Caer to Rhyd to Caer to Rhyd). We chatted and laughed and watched the bloopers from Britain's Got Talent. It was also a good opportunity for us to get some work done on wedding stuff again. Then we got Becca back to her house and I got some medicine and here we are. Blogging and dozing off.

It has been a good day. I really don't like being sick. But I have so many other reasons to be joyful! I will count my blessings instead of sheep tonight, even if I have to do it between sniffles.

Good night and God bless

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