Tuesday, 25 June 2013

June 25 "The Sun Shines Over Wales"

Another day on the Bus, another group of students rolled through. Today I saw a friend from last time, a guy that I hadn't seen since my return. Apparently he hasn't been coming to church much since we left. Apparently there is an age that the young people just stop coming to church. Once they get well into secondary school, they just lose interest. I am not sure why. Maybe they just get too enamored with the world. Maybe they don't see the point anymore. It happens to a lot of people, all over.

But other than that the Bus went well. I had a lot of time to just sit and think and scribble in my journal. I realized that it wasn't very full in proportion to the amount of time that I have been here. I guess I just do a lot of writing elsewhere...here. I just carry the journal to jot down thoughts and to scribble plans and things that I want to remember. It serves its purpose.

After the Bus we headed here and I got to work on my talk for tonight. We went through the three remaining pieces of the Armor of God. The Shield of Faith, The Helmet of Salvation and the Sword of the Spirit. It went well. I was glad to be able to share with them, seeing as these last two weeks have been the last two weeks that they meet until after Summer Holiday.

And now I'm here. In hindsight it doesn't sound like a very eventful day, but it was a good one. The sun was shining and that is always a treat in Wales.

And now I sit here, relatively early, and wait to see what time I find to fall asleep.

I've been thinking a lot about what's next. Probably because people keep asking me about it. Hard to believe that in less than 6 months I'll be married. Luckily most of the important stuff has been handled for the wedding, but I've still got a lot to do. I need a job and a place to work mostly. I'm not really sure how all of that is going to work out, but it will. Becca and I have taken to memorizing Bible verses together while we are over here. The most recent one is Luke 12:24 "Consider the ravens, they neither sow nor reap, they have neither storehouses nor barns, and yet the Lord feeds them; Of how much more value are you than the birds!" The Lord provides.

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