Tuesday, 2 July 2013

July 2 "A Dip"

The mornings just keep getting later and later. I need to start going to bed at a decent hour. At least a few nights a week...At least one night a week. 

The morning began a little later than way too early and we were whisked off across Rhydyfelin to Cardinal Newman Catholic School for another day of GSUS live. It was a good day. It seemed to move by really fast and not a lot of what happened is really sticking in my mind. I guess we only taught three sessions, but we were still there well into the afternoon. 

Then I spent a lot of the afternoon relaxing around the house and enjoying that fact that I didn't have to teach tonight. It is bittersweet in a way. I enjoy teaching, but as the internship winds down a little bit I am starting to really be relieved by the fact that it was more of a front-loaded experience. Coedpenmaen's Youth Club has ceased meeting for the summer and this is our last week on the GSUS Bus. Things are going to be slowing down a good bit here soon. I welcome it. I want to be rested for when the Americans come. 

Then in the evening, and for the first time in Wales, I got to go to the pool and swim with all of the friends and family! Paul, Sarah, the Hughes, and me and my host family all went down and had a great time swimming and splashing and spending time together. It was good fun. 

Then I headed back here. And here I am. 

Looking up the page it doesn't seem like a very full day. Looking back it kind of flew by. Time has been moving so fast lately. It's kind of scary. Before I know it I'll be back in the US of A. 

Pray for me as I look down the back stretch of this mission. I am not on a mountaintop over here. This ministry has become very real and this place has started to feel a lot like home. I will not be feeding off of a spiritual high when I get back and that means that the things that I learn I need to learn deeply and take with me. That takes effort and that takes energy. 

God bless

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