Tuesday 30 July 2013

July 30 "Days Gone By"

Well... I have bid Wales goodbye. And after a fun filled day in London I am about to bid the island of Britain goodbye.

I do not think that it would be possible for 8 weeks to fly by any faster than that just did. I do admit, at some points it seemed to be going by dreadfully slow. But now that it is behind me, I am a loss of what to feel. I am at a loss of what to think. I do not let myself get choked up over things in the past, I tend to be a more future focused person anyway.

The week finished out wonderfully. It was a great experience and a great week of club with the team. There were no miracle conversions or radical professions of faith, but for this country, the fact that the Word of God has gone forth is a good thing. Good conversations are big victories and we had a lot of those. We were able to love the people in the community well and to give them another reason to think about Christ and His Gospel. That is a major victory.

The weekend was spent with the team. Going over the week and relaxing. We took a day trip to the Brecon Beacons (mountains) and had a picnic/short hike. And even though they were only here for the very tail portion of my stay in Wales, they felt like family and it was hard for them to leave. Especially since I knew that soon it would be my turn.

Sure enough, the next day, having gotten very little sleep, we headed out to Cardiff to bus out to London. It was a tearless goodbye, but a sweet one. I left the place that I called home and the people who have taken such good care of me in this time. I will miss their company. I will miss being a part of their church family.

In hindsight there is a lot that I will be taking away from this trip. Many memories, captured in post previous. And many lessons, too many to include in one closing post.

But I will say that if there is one lesson that we can learn from the Welsh churches it is one of community. Their churches are in community and in the community. The Baptists work with the Methodists who work with the Nondenominational churches and all because they know that together they can accomplish more than when divided and competing. Could the American churches use a fresh perspective on this topic? Do we focus more on Sheep-stealing than Goat-saving? And further than that, the fact that these churches are low on members and low in attendance means that they have a hunger and a passion for stepping out into the 'secular' community that surrounds them. In a lot of cases they lack the resources and the community lacks in interest, but the desire is there and the knowledge of the need is there. Are we comfortable with the amount of filled pulpits that we have? Do we take that number for granted? Are we uncomfortable with the concept of going out and being a part of our community, not as a matter of church attendance even, but for the good of those around us? If our church was to disappear off of the face of the earth, would the non-members around us even notice?

It has been a long road. I have been changed by this experience more than any change that I could see. Yet, I have faith that God has worked in mighty ways through my presence there. I have seen Him do so much good and He is definitely moving in Wales and in the UK.

My parting words are this.
              If you have followed me all along, then: thank you. If you have prayed for me, then: thank you. If you have thought of me and wished me well in your own way: thank you. If you enjoyed my posts then I am glad. If you hated them than I am sorry. And if you are a Christian, then I hope that these weeks of updates have been of some encouragement to you and have helped you to think about and see what God is doing in another place in the world. If you are not a Christian, then I hope that the messages that I shared in Wales have come alive in these posts. God loves the people of Wales. He desires for them to trust in His Son for their salvation and to be with Him forever. But He wants that for you too. He wants it for all of us. I flew halfway around the world with the help of a bunch of generous people for no other reason than to share this love. Anything else that was accomplished is just a blessed addition. The purpose is Jesus. Know Him. Love and be loved by Him. It is what we were all created to do.

God bless

Thursday 25 July 2013

July 25 "What He's Done For Me"

What a day. And what a night.

So last night we had a really good turnout for Coffee House. Garison spoke on "What is the Gospel?" and so were able to open that up for conversation. Some of the guys who showed up were not too keen to listen, but one in particular was. His name is Cade and he really seemed interested in what Jesus had done for him. At the same time I think that he finds it hard to believe. Maybe it's too different. Maybe it is just too good to be true. But between that and the peer pressure to stay as far away from God as possible, I get the sense that there are some obstacles. But God doesn't care about our obstacles! He is God and He breaks down our walls. There is a desire in Cade's heart and  I have been praying that it would become the sort of desire that does not rest until it finds satisfaction. And true satisfaction for the weary soul can only come from one place. Christ.

This morning has seemed to start off very hard. Many of us are tired, ill, discouraged, and so forth. Truth be told- we are seeing so much interest and so much interaction with these kids and I think that the devil is going to do all that he can to stop us. Pray that we would weather his attacks and press on in the great mission that God has given us. Pray for our team and pray for these kids who we are here to share the Gospel with.

The kids at Club are hearing the truth of Scripture! They are memorizing verses and having the songs stuck in their head! Yesterday on the walk back from the field a little girl was singing  "When I think about Jesus and what He's done for me" and so I was able to ask her who the song was about? She knew that it was about Jesus, but not what he had done for us. I got to share with her a little bit about the cross, but today was the day that we talked about the cross in Bible Lesson! Now whenever she sings that song, she can remember Jesus and she can remember the great love that He has for her.

Thank you so much for all of the prayer and support that has been given for this trip! As the trip winds down, so many things are falling into place. God is good. He has blessed me immeasurably through this trip. Pray that Wales would be blessed and would be changed as well.

Wednesday 24 July 2013

July 24 "Great, Great, Bril, Bril"

Halfway through the week and it has been a great and amazing adventure so far! Our numbers are steadily increasing as the week goes on! God answers prayer! And the rain is at bay, but the clouds are here to soak up some of the heat! God answers prayer!

It has been so good to have everyone here and to be able to share in this ministry with the team and with the church. We are having a lot of good conversations with the kids and have been able to meet with and invite a lot of them into the church.

Last night I was able to speak during the coffee house event. The question that we asked was "Why do we need Jesus?" It was a great question to ponder myself and one that we all should have an answer for. For a lot of these kids, it was one that they haven't put much thought towards. They don't want to answer it. They are afraid to answer it. Pray that this would change. They might be afraid of what their friends would think, or what their parents would think. They might be afraid of what they have to give up and what inviting Jesus into their life will change. It would certainly change a lot. God doesn't leave us as we are. But that is the good news. Pray that the Holy Spirit would be breaking down their walls. Tonight Garison leads the talk on The Gospel. Last night he was able to have a really good conversation with a young man about Jesus and what His work meant for our lives. He expressed real interest and so pray that he and the others like him would get past whatever apprehensions the devil has put in their heart and would come to a place where they can call on Jesus as Savior and Lord.

I am definitely feeling all of this week's exercise today. My feet are more sore than anything in recent memory. But God is good, and I am going to keep on going. This is the last hurrah for the summer and that means that I am going to give all that I have got this week.

Pray for our team. Many of us are hurting and exhausted in a physical, emotional, spiritual sense. There is a lot going on and this is definitely a battlefield for some serious spiritual warfare. But our God has already won the battle. We are His people and He will take care of us, and I know that He will guide those who He has called into a place where they can hear the Gospel. We have a beautiful truth to share. Pray that these seeds would bear fruit.

God bless

Monday 22 July 2013

July 22 "The Team Arrives"

Hello everybody!

Now that we have gotten back into the swing of things here time is moving very fast. I honestly can't remember where I left off last time!

But since last time the team has gotten here! And we just made it through our first morning of Holiday Club here in Rhyd! Last time I was here, I helped out at the Caerphilly Church and so this is really my first time doing the Club on this side of the hill. It was a really great time! I was supposed to be in charge of leading the Middle age group around, but the number of kids that showed up, really could only fill two groups comfortably. Pray that tomorrow we need three!  Pray that three wouldn't be enough! But I was fortunate that this summer I was already able to meet many of the kids that we are working with and thus it is a lot easier to get into the groups and talk to them! It all feels very natural here and the team/church combo has this Club down to a science. So it seems after the first day. We shall see.

In the afternoon we will have games on the Pitch and then Coffee Bar tonight for the older ones. I will update you on those whenever I get a chance.

I have had my own computer all summer, but have chosen to leave it at the house while I am with the team. We are all camping out in the Cardinal Newman School! Good fun. So my updates may be a little bit more scarce. Bear with me. I am using a very very very old computer in the church and so I will try and fill you in as much as possible.

Please be in prayer for our team! We are working well as a group, but pray that we would really begin to do ministry as God's family. Team unity is essential and we need it. Also pray that the children would come and that they would hear the Good News about Jesus! We are so blessed to be able to do this club and are so blessed to have had the kids that we had today. But the more little Welsh kids that show up, the better! And pray for me. It has been a long summer and I want to make sure that this week still gets my full effort and my full focus. In many ways, a lot of the ministry that I have been doing has led up to this week. So please pray for us all!

God bless

Wednesday 17 July 2013

July 17 "Where My Feet May Find Me"

The blog updates now are few and far in between. The week has been slow but not altogether uneventful. I have done a lot of reading from a lot of different sources and have enjoyed (sort of) a few days of relative calm before the storm. I do not like to have a schedule that is as clear as it has been, but the American team will be here soon and then there will be lots to do.

There was one exciting part of the day. I decided that today I was going to go into Ponty and speak again with my friend Lee from last Wednesday's open air. So I got a lift into town and walked down, stopping by the Christian book store on the way. I actually walked out of the shop once and looked down the street and didn't quite recognize Lee and his friend James sitting there. We talked for well over an hour about all different manner of things, James did a lot of the talking as well. Then when the day was getting late I offered Lee a Bible that I had just purchased. He took it graciously and told me that he would put it to good use with his ill relative, Morton, who needs prayer. After a few more niceties, I told my friends that I had to go and catch a bus home. They understood, but insisted that they walked with me and wait with me at the stop. It was a good day to meet with and hang out with these two men. Neither of them belong to Christ, but I am hoping that through the Word of God and the work of the Holy Spirit that they might come to know Him. Oh what a joy it would be to walk the streets of gold with these with whom I have walked the streets of Pontypridd! Pray that it might be so.

Once home, a long and expensive bus ride later, I retreated into my room and read a bit more before Kid's Club. It was a small turnout, no surprise given the weather and the time of year, but we headed out to Ponty park nonetheless and had a good time playing around and enjoying the sunshine.

Time goes by pretty quickly these days. It is hard to believe that this whole summer in nearly gone. I do realize that I have been hinting at some comments about 'how I feel' concerning all of this, but you know what...I'm still not ready to deal with it.

As much as I love home, I love it here as well.

I have put my heart in such a place that my prayers will now always be split across the Atlantic, no matter where my feet may find me.

God bless.

Sunday 14 July 2013

July 14 "I'm Still Here!"

Wow. It has been too long since I have updated this blog. I honestly don't know why this has taken me so long. I have no excuses.

Friday was the last day of PCY. I was able to go to the BBQ and play with all of my friends from the area, along with being able to enjoy amazing food together. I was also blessed to be able to give parting words to the group for the summer.

Saturday was all in all pretty boring. I woke up late. Becca and I went on a short hike. Hay Fever (allergies) was absolutely killing me and hasn't let up much since. It has really made me pretty miserable and tired. That's probably why I haven't been updating as much as I am supposed to.

Today we did church in Rhyd, lunch and then Gateway. All in all the days have been pretty relaxed and pretty normal as far as the Welsh days go.

Sorry there isn't more to say, I am still pretty exhausted and a bit stuffed up. But when things get going again, you will be informed! And in more detail.

So all this to say...I'm still here

God bless

Wednesday 10 July 2013

July 10 "Crunchies and Coke 3"

What a day.

For starters. I got up early. And I didn't get out of bed. It is the most ridiculous thing in the world. I was awake, not sleeping, but I wasn't really doing anything. I was supposed to be thinking, but I was so busy fighting sleep that I might as well have just gotten the extra rest.

But anyway, eventually I did rise and was able to grab some quick breakfast before heading off to my first assembly! I decided that I wanted to do the story of the Prodigal Son and to have the kids help me tell the story by acting it out. It went well, I thought so anyway. We will have more tomorrow and then some more later this week, but there really aren't that many left for me to do. After assembly Alun and I trekked down to Ponty for some more Open Air stuff.

We went to the Christian book store and waited for our team mates to show up and Jake was there! We chatted and I browsed and ended up finding a copy of Screwtape Letters for 1 pound! What a steal. Of course I bought it. After my purchase I went upstairs and got a cup of coffee (filter brew- a real treat in a world of instant) and chatted with the coffee shop ladies. Eventually the rest of the people did show up and after some brief introductions we headed downtown to spread the Good News.

Our time started off slowly. The first two paint boards didn't really attract a crowd and so after that we decided to split up and try our Belief Surveys out (questionnaires designed to spark conversation). In and around this time I was praying that God would bring me to someone that I could really minister to. Someone who I could see get saved.

I walked for a bit and then found myself in an alley, wondering where and how I was going to randomly administer a survey. I thought back to the Bible and how Paul used to address people, usually he started by going to the synagogues...but there were no synagogues in Ponty (that I know of). Just then (literally) the church bells started ringing. And so I took that as a sign that I should head for the church. Might as well, right? I fixed my eyes on the high steeple and started walking. About halfway down the alley I realized that I had to use the toilet, so I ducked into the market to find one. I found one. Guess what. They try to charge you 20p to use their toilet. Crazy right? I was standing there trying to figure out what this scam could possibly mean when I realized that I had caught the attention of the man collecting the money. I asked him about taking the survey, boring as his job must have been, and he surprisingly agreed to take it. We worked through the survey and some of his beliefs to find that he was a Kind-Of-Buddhist. On the last question of the survey you are supposed to lay out the Gospel and bring the conversation to a point of question. I opted for a conversation instead.

He introduced himself as Lee and I introduced myself, at which point he shared that he was also a Robert! That's right, I met a Welsh Buddhist named Robert Lee today. And it gets better. After a moment he invited me into his booth and we struck up a long conversation about life and family and what we believe. He even offered me a cup of coffee while we chatted! It was a great conversation and I really felt like I was able to share what I believed with him in a way that challenged him a bit. He said a lot of things that made me believed that he was at least somewhat interested in what I was saying. And believe me, he didn't hesitate to tell me straight if he felt a certain way. Not at all. Very nice guy though. After nearly an hour I decided that my group might be looking for me and so I had to bid him farewell. He invited me to come back by anytime for a free use of the toilet or a drink. I told him that I would do my best to return and I fully intend to. And you had best believe that I will be bringing a Bible when I do.

After that experience, Jake, Alun and I headed up the hill to eat with Allen and Margaret- friends from Ponty. It was great to meet with them and chat with them and to eat lunch with them. They had some amazing cheeses. I got to tell them my story and we talked about where we had all been and where we were going. It was just a good time to have fellowship and to enjoy the company of fun people. We got a lift to our respective locations after our time was done and then it was not too long before we headed down to Rhyd for the Kid's Club.

Unfortunately, we had to cancel the club because a school event stole away all of our kids! But I was able to spend some time with Becca afterwards, playing with the rugby ball and talking about all of the stuff that we are learning and going through. When the sun went down we sat in the lounge with Brian and Elizabeth and talked about various things (church, our days, the death penalty- fun stuff). It was there that we experienced some truly delightful treats. 1- Banana Split. 2- Crunchie and Coke (Cherry) and Becca had her Reese's Cups. 3- Black Currant Jam on toast. It was quite the late night snack. Then as our time had run out, we took Becca home and I showered and got ready for bed. And here I am.

It was such a good day. God has really been teaching me so much about the sort of adventure that He has in store for those who do His work. It was such a joy just to be able to share and talk with someone and to be able to have such good time with His people. He is so good.

Please be in prayer for Lee. He needs the Gospel and I want to try and go see him as much as I can manage, as well as to establish some form of contact with him. And to get him plugged into a church. There are a lot of things to pray for. Pray for Allen, who I met today, there is something wrong with his leg.

Thank you for your continual prayers and support. I am glad to be able to share this will everyone who has been reading.

God bless.